Repair or Replace Air Conditioning System; The Core HVAC Decision
Repair or Replace Air Conditioning With Confidence Means You Make An Informed HVAC Decision
If your central cooling system is not functioning correctly, the question of repair or replace air conditioning is unavoidable. However, these tips from your local Arizona American Cooling and Heating support team can help you take the guesswork out of this pressing HVAC decision. By showing you how to combine cost, comfort, and the resources that best ensure that your home heating and cooling system delivers optimum energy-savings, we can help you capture money-saving efficiency in a system that can provide your Arizona home with years and years of reliable A/C or Heat Pump indoor comfort.
Repairing or Replace – The Value of Updating
Experience is the best teacher, and we all know that age affects reliability. It may be that your old, inefficient air conditioning system is worth repairing. But calculating all the associated costs is the only way you can accurately measure the value of updating versus repair. Yet the older your home’s heating and cooling system, the more often you must face the question of repair or replace. If after reading this article you determine that fixing your aged HVAC equipment is preventing you from enjoying the cost-saving operating benefits of modern home air conditioning equipment, know that ACH can tailor a new Arizona A/C installation package to meet your specific budget, a package that not only includes a new, energy-efficient cooling unit, but that also comes complete with the exceptional limited warranty coverage associated with the specific product and manufacturer.
Making a Wise Repair or Replace Air Conditioning Decision
When reviewing repair or replace air conditioning options, determining the best course of action involves many areas of consideration. The following breakdown highlights some of the most important decision making factors. Apply them equally to any make or model of HVAC equipment. If you have any manufacturer-specific questions, contact your local Arizona American Cooling and Heating office. We are on standby 24/7, and ready to respond to your immediate home comfort needs.
Air Conditioning Refrigerants
R-22 or R-410A; These are the two types of A/C refrigerants most widely used in home heat pumps and air conditioning condensing units. However, due to the 1987 Montreal Protocol and the associated Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, a phase-out of R-22 and any other ozone-depleting chemicals is in effect. By January 1, 2020, no chemical manufacturers will be permitted to produce R-22 for home air conditioning servicing. At that point, only recovered, recycled and reclaimed R-22 will be available for use in servicing existing A/C and Heat Pump systems. Although uncharged R-22 systems can be installed as a replacement or repair option for an existing older unit, 13-SEER efficiency is the highest available option and the cost of R-22 may run higher than your greatest imagination. If your HVAC decision runs between major repairs for an R-22 unit versus upgrading to a new R-410A system, go with the new.
Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ration (SEER)
Established by the United States DOE and increased in January of 2006, 13-SEER is the lowers current efficiency rating for central air conditioning systems. A higher rating reflects greater performance and energy efficiency. When faced with the decision of repair or replace air conditioning in an older 10-SEER setup, make sure that repair is very cheap and very simple, or else install something newer and better.
Heat pump performance and efficiency is not only measured by a residential SEER scale that is equivalent to that used on residential central sir conditioners, but they are also rated for efficiency on a Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF). Also established and set by the DOE, the HSPF of your installed Arizona Heat Pump may be just as important as your A/C SEER rating. In general, running an hp is less expensive than heating with a fuel-based system. In Arizona, a good heat pump will save you money on your winter heating bills.
Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) – Add Fuel Utilization to Your HVAC Decision
As a service of ASHRAE, the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers, the specs for your system’s AFUE are designed to ensure that your home is serviced by efficient HVAC equipment. The current ASHRAE restrictions require that manufacturers produce heating and cooling systems that perform no lower than 80% AFUE. But concerned air conditioning manufacturers strive to reap 96% and above. So what means the AFUE rating? In simple terms, AFUE rating identifies just how much of your energy dollar is fully utilized in the operation of your home furnace system. Thus, a 90% AFUE rating means that ten cents of every dollar is wasted.
Manufacturer Warranty Coverage
Perhaps you wonder why anyone needs a warranty for a product that should be built to last? Well, face it! In this world, perfection does not exist. Even the best efforts to design a fully fault-proof heating and cooling system fall short. Most times, buyers get a winner, but on occasion someone gets a lemon. Every major HVAC equipment provider strives to give you the best product for the money spent, yet they too recognize the complications of Murphy’s Law. Compare product warranties. Find out exactly what is covered and for how long each component is covered. Consider the value of acquiring an extended warranty when available.
And then follow-up by making sure your Arizona HVAC installation provider supports their services with a limited lifetime workmanship warranty.
ACH, Helping Arizona Residents Through The Core HVAC Decision Process
Since 1993, American Cooling and Heating has serviced AZ commercial, industrial and residential heating and cooling needs. We are Bonded, Insured and Licensed to meet your A/C installation, A/C repair and A/C maintenance requirements. Our Workmanship carries a 100% guaranteed of quality and reliability. For more information on Air Conditioning repair or replace options, click here.
A/C Installation, A/C Repair, hvac decision