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Tag: block party

Gilbert Arizona Neighborhood Party Permit – What You Need

Gilbert Arizona Neighborhood Party PermitComplications of Planning a Gilbert Arizona Block Neighborhood Party Event

Hosting a neighborhood block party may involve much more than a phone call, a group discussion at the air-conditioned pool house, and the cost of supplies. It’s the distinction between a public party and a private party. It’s the distinction between a local event that involves a cookout and a neighborhood Wiffle ballgame versus road closures, portable rest rooms, major fireworks and a Gilbert Arizona neighborhood party permit.

According to regulations listed under the Gilbert AZ “Special Event Permit Application (1),” hosting a public neighborhood block party means you must provide local authorities with extended information concerning:

  • Music Arrangements
  • Stage and Settings
  • Special Lighting
  • Temporary Structures
  • Concessions and Vendor Arrangements
  • Power and Energy Provisions
  • Barricade Plans
  • Trash and Sanitation Management
  • Temporary Fencing Arrangements
  • Special Provisions Concerning Food and Water
  • Safety and Medical Provisions
  • Traffic Control
  • Alcohol Regulations
  • AND… A Host of Other Tidbits Concerning Your Planned Block Party.

Not A Residents-Only Gilbert Arizona Neighborhood Block Party

So when do you need a permit for your neighborhood party? The basic distinctions are as follows:

  • If the party is open to the general public, it is not intended for neighbors only
  • If the party is advertised outside the purposed neighborhood, it is not for local residents only
  • If the block party requires closure of major streets, it is not for neighborhood residents only.

Thus any Gilbert neighborhood block party not localized to a handful of homeowners who share refreshments, outdoor fun, and indoor cooling between no more than two or three homes will likely require a permit. And it’s not just a just a one day get together. Therefore before applying for your Gilbert Arizona neighborhood block party permit, consider some common questions and answers:

1) Can We Have Band Music?

Bands are fully permissible, but entertainment that demands auxiliary amplifying equipment means possible noise disturbances that exceed the perimeters of the neighborhood. To pass permit requirements, your plans for band music must meet Gilbert AZ Municipal Code Sections 42-65.

2) Can We Barricade A Public Street?

Neighborhood block parties typically involve vendors, tents and special traffic control. By taking out a Gilbert special event permit, you can be authorized to close a local public street. This means that the city must re-route fire and police emergency vehicles. Thus closure of your street must be approved in advance of the party. Arterial streets with two or more lanes may not be closed. Furthermore, streets with bus stops or speed limits exceeding 24 miles per hour may not be closed.

3) In The Event Alcohol Is Served At The Party, Is Drinking In The Street Permissible?

Public drinking of alcohol in the street is not permissible.

4) Must We Disclose The Nature Of Our Gilbert Neighborhood Block Party?

To acquire a Gilbert AZ special event permit, you must not only define the purpose of your neighborhood block party, but you must also provide:

  • An estimated count for expected attendance
  • A statement concerning plans for the sale or consumption of alcohol, including specific beverages
  • The nature of any planned amplified sounds
  • Plans concerning the sale of foods and services
  • And any history concerning previously held block parties.

5) Can I Do This On My Own?

Before your Gilbert Arizona neighborhood block party permit will be issued, 80% of all residents, businesses, leasers, and property owners within the affected barricade area must sign approval on the associated Resident Petition. And that, my friend, is only on the legal side of the project. The workload of such an even far exceeds the capacity of a single homeowner. Managing the event, collecting debris and trash, setting up generators, dealing with the high local temperatures, and providing restroom facilities mark only a small part of the task.

Block Party Fun In The Cool

According to AZ-Central, Gilbert enjoyed 82 neighborhood block parties in October of 2014 (2). Many took place during Halloween. Although town spokespeople believe that block parties contribute to community safety, permits are a necessity to ensure managed city resources. If you plan to crank up a party in your area, getting your Gilbert AZ neighborhood block party permit will require a five-day notice.

Don’t go in half prepared. Gilbert neighborhood block party permits help you and your neighbors have safe fun while networking, making friends, and sharing in personal growth. But when a block party opens up to the public, the function makes a huge shift in focus. Opportunities for linking up and networking still abound, but the spotlight is no longer on local friendships with residents only.

Pulling off a public block party will keep you busy, make you tired, and generate lots of need for rest, recoup and a place to get out of the heat. It’s a time when your Gilbert home air conditioning system gets worked and worked hard.

A call now to American Cooling and Heating can help ensure that your AC is ready when you are.      



  1. Gilbert Arizona Special Event Planning Application
  2. October block parties in Gilbert AZ

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