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Fast 24 Hour Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Service

Top Quality Workmanship, BBB A+ Rated, AZ ROC Complaint Free

Author: Rm Harrington

About Rm Harrington Professional HVAC content writer, equally skilled for communicating with A/C technicians, HVAC product engineers or the home/business buyer in need of reliable A/C related details. Most valuable skill: The ability to research, comprehend, evaluate and discuss matters of importance to homeowners and the HVAC community, including technical details, system comparisons and best-choice system applications.

Goodman Heating and Cooling Growth Projections

2012 Daikin Buyout of Goodman Heating and Cooling

Perhaps you remember the 2012 Daikin Industries Ltd. buyout of Goodman heating and cooling (Goodman Global Inc.). In initiating the $3.7 billion purchase, Daikin hoped to open new doors into the North America heating and cooling business (1). The deal provided Daikin with better than 900 new points of distribution into the home air conditioning marketplace. However, it also opened some flack in the mind of Moody’s Investors Service and other securities monitoring agencies. For example: Senior analyst for the Iwai Cosmo Securities Co. said that the deal might be a bit too big for Daikin. And of course, such comments caused a serious drop in Daikin shares. At the close of the Aug. 1, 2012 Tokyo trading day, Daikin shares were down 3.5 percent.

Ah, but time passes, viewpoints change, and homeowners reap the benefits.

Fast Forward To 2014 And the Daikin Goal For Goodman Heating and Cooling

Goodman Heading and Cooling CEO A new Goodman CEO, Takeshi Ebisu, is in place. Established plans for increased growth in manufacturing dominate the vision. Takeshi determines to lead Daikin’s United States operations, including Goodman air conditioning divisions into a productive, innovative and prosperous future. For Mr. Ebisu, the Goodman Global Group Inc., Houston-based heating, ventilation and air conditioning product base will soon incorporate a greater global influence throughout the HVAC community (2).

With over twenty years experience with Daikin, Takeshi has the negotiating experiences to bring about greater performance, higher market growth, and better global product distribution for both companies. Integrating strategies will make it happen. It’s a global mindset that expands the Goodman heating and cooling focus into the global marketplace while also enhancing support for the local buyer of Goodman Air Conditioning products throughout North America.

The Goodman U.S. manufacturing operations will expand. Both Daikin and Goodman will combine strengths to provide homeowners and business owners with more options, better products, and HVAC resources that will be the rival of anything heating and cooling on the market.

 Not Just A Daikin/Goodman A/C Vision

The changes are already in effect. By late 2013, Daikin’s first U.S.  A/C manufacturing project cranked up at the Huston-based Goodman air conditioning plant. But that was just a beginning. Currently Daikin produces three brands of HVAC equipment in U.S. based manufacturing plants:

  • Goodman Air Conditioning and Goodman Heat Pump Brands
  • Amana Air Conditioning Brands
  • AND The Newly Introduced Daikin Air Conditioning Brand.

The vision according to Ebisu includes long-term HVAC development projects as well as short-term revenue for all divisions. The manufacturing process will expand to include production of various affiliated products. Regional recognition is just as important as global recognition. Ebisu intends for Goodman and Daikin products to become the local favorite throughout the U.S. The products, already established and respected, will become even more distinguished for:

  • Product durability
  • Product reliability
  • Product options
  • Product warranties
  • AND Cost-efficient product pricing.

Concerning the growth and the performance issues, Ebisu says: “I’m not saying that hasn’t been the case, but with our new products, we want to be accepted more into the market.”

ACH For Reliable Installation of Quality Goodman Heating and Cooling Products

Goodman heating and cooling products may be the right match for your Arizona home. Priced to be affordable, and crafted to be reliable, a Goodman heat pump will help you remain cool and comfortable all summer long while also providing energy-efficient heating during the winter. These products are remarkably efficient heating and cooling equipment.

Goodman warranties are among the best in the HVAC industry. The American Cooling and Heating workmanship warranty sweetens the value. You get tough products, installed by some of the best A/C technicians in Arizona, and your choice of a Goodman heat pump or a Goodman air conditioning condensing system. And you get a product that best suits the needs of your Arizona home.

For more information concerning reasonable HVAC equipment pricing and reliable Arizona HVAC installation of a Goodman air conditioning system, click here.








Air Conditioning Capacitor – Detect and Repair AC Capacitor

Common A/C Repair – Replacing Your Air Conditioning Capacitor

Air conditioning capacitor problems are easy to detect, test and repair. However, replacing your Heat Pump or AC capacitor is also a risky task. Capacitors store power, and even though the breakers to the heating and cooling unit are tripped and the flow of electric current through the system is disabled, a capacitor retains the power to light up your world. Two rules for dealing with A/C capacitors or any other electric motor starting capacitor:

  1. Disconnect the unit power source
  2. Discharge the capacitor.

Working with electricity can be detrimental to your health. Before touching anything inside the cover of your heating and cooling equipment, know exactly what you are doing.

TIP! Get your HVAC unit serviced yearly. During service the technician will check the motor and refill the system fluids.

Coming into simultaneous contact with two of the terminals on an air conditioning capacitor makes for dangerous discharge of electricity. Furthermore: trashing a capacitor that has not been properly discharged creates a fire hazard. Likewise, avoid placing a charged capacitor on dry grass, paper or any other combustible materials. To discharge the stored current from within an A/C or heat pump capacitor, disengage the power source and then use an insulated screwdriver to short across the terminals of the capacitor (figure 1).

Air Conditioning Capacitor Discharge 

Hot Day In Arizona – What To Do When The Air Conditioning Capacitor Quits

 When your A/C stops working, even summer fun becomes a drag. It’s hot, sweaty and nasty inside and out. Furthermore, HVAC repairs can get rather expensive. This article may help you get cool while also saving a few dollars on the repair costs. But remember: Messing with electric components is risky. Take care that you fully understand this guide and the associated warnings.

 Checking The A/C or Heat Pump Capacitor Multimeter Style

 Capacitors store electric charge and are used to maintain voltage supply and/or boost torque during device startup. HVAC systems use capacitors for both purposes. By sight and sound alone, you can make several good guesses concerning the condition of your air conditioning capacitor. However, for the final test, technicians use a multimeter (image 2). If you do know how to use a multimeter or a voltmeter, give up now and call your Arizona Air Conditioning service center. You are likely already in over your head.

 To run a multimeter test on your HVAC capacitor: Multimeter- Testing A/C Capacitor

  1. Disconnect the unit power source
  2. Discharge the capacitor
  3. Mark for location and then disconnect the wires from the capacitor’s terminals
  4. Place the leads from the multimeter on the terminals, one to each terminal
  5. The reading should be within six percent of the rating for that make and model of capacitor.

Checking The HP or A/C Capacitor Using Sight And Sound

TIP! If there’s a clicking in your HVAC unit, check for any sort of obstructions immediately. This may be because debris is restricting the movement of the fan blades.

Ok. Perhaps you aren’t ready to actually repair capacitor on your HVAC equipment, but you still want to get an idea of the problem. That’s good. It helps you make an informed price comparison. To check your unit via sight and sound, just stand near the condensing unit and listen for a humming sound while noticing if the fan is spinning or not spinning. Hum without spin likely means air conditioning capacitor problems.

A Capacitor Test That Does Not Require Use of a Multimeter

Since the A/C capacitor is designed to boost power during the system startup, it makes sense that you can provide the necessary assistance. The process is simple. If the outside A/C condensing unit is humming but the fan is not responding, you need to give the fan a kick-start. Find a long stick that will slip through the fan guard. Use something that will bend or break should the fan start turning before you get it out of the way. Now, slide the tool through the fan guard and then gently nudge one of the fan blades. It things crank up and keep going, place bets on the problem being a bad A/C start capacitor.

Bad Capacitor Sight Test Two

If you have already removed the service panel from your condensing unit, do a visual inspection of the capacitor. If the top of the component is swollen out, the capacitor is likely blown.

Choosing The Correct Replacement Component

TIP! Consider an annual service agreement for technicians to regularly inspect your AC unit. Schedule brief inspections for the winter to make sure nothing is obviously wrong.

Two points: Record both the voltage rating and the micro-farads (μF) of your current capacitor. Brand name doesn’t matter and neither (within reasonable limits) does shape and size. The existing A/C capacitor mounting brackets are typically flexible enough to accommodate various sizes and shapes. Even the component voltage voltage rating has some room for upward adjustment. However, the micro-farads (μF) must be an exact match from old to new.

As to pricing, Arizona residential HVAC units are reasonably sized and the capacitor is typically fairly cheap. For example: Pricing for the average Amana, Goodman, Rheem or Trane residential air conditioning capacitor will come in at $35.00 or less. But if all this seems a mite confusing or if messing with electrical components goes against your grain, Arizona-based American Cooling and Heating is ready, 24/7, to service your home or office HVAC equipment. And ACH prices are more than reasonable.


Repair or Replace Air Conditioning System; The Core HVAC Decision

Arizona Repair or Replace Air Conditioning TroubleshootingRepair or Replace Air Conditioning With Confidence Means You Make An Informed HVAC Decision

If your central cooling system is not functioning correctly, the question of repair or replace air conditioning is unavoidable. However, these tips from your local Arizona American Cooling and Heating support team can help you take the guesswork out of this pressing HVAC decision. By showing you how to combine cost, comfort, and the resources that best ensure that your home heating and cooling system delivers optimum energy-savings, we can help you capture money-saving efficiency in a system that can provide your Arizona home with years and years of reliable A/C or Heat Pump indoor comfort.


Repairing or Replace – The Value of Updating

TIP! If replace is your only option, make sure you buy ENERGY STAR compliant equipment. It may seem a small thing, but it isn’t.

Experience is the best teacher, and we all know that age affects reliability. It may be that your old, inefficient air conditioning system is worth repairing. But calculating all the associated costs is the only way you can accurately measure the value of updating versus repair. Yet the older your home’s heating and cooling system, the more often you must face the question of repair or replace. If after reading this article you determine that fixing your aged HVAC equipment is preventing you from enjoying the cost-saving operating benefits of modern home air conditioning equipment, know that ACH can tailor a new Arizona A/C installation package to meet your specific budget, a package that not only includes a new, energy-efficient cooling unit, but that also comes complete with the exceptional limited warranty coverage associated with the specific product and manufacturer.


Making a Wise Repair or Replace Air Conditioning Decision

When reviewing repair or replace air conditioning options, determining the best course of action involves many areas of consideration. The following breakdown highlights some of the most important decision making factors. Apply them equally to any make or model of HVAC equipment. If you have any manufacturer-specific questions, contact your local Arizona American Cooling and Heating office. We are on standby 24/7, and ready to respond to your immediate home comfort needs.

Air Conditioning Refrigerants

R-22 or R-410A; These are the two types of A/C refrigerants most widely used in home heat pumps and air conditioning condensing units. However, due to the 1987 Montreal Protocol and the associated Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, a phase-out of R-22 and any other ozone-depleting chemicals is in effect. By January 1, 2020, no chemical manufacturers will be permitted to produce R-22 for home air conditioning servicing. At that point, only recovered, recycled and reclaimed R-22 will be available for use in servicing existing A/C and Heat Pump systems. Although uncharged R-22 systems can be installed as a replacement or repair option for an existing older unit, 13-SEER efficiency is the highest available option and the cost of R-22 may run higher than your greatest imagination. If your HVAC decision runs between major repairs for an R-22 unit versus upgrading to a new R-410A system, go with the new.

Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ration (SEER)

TIP! Before buying a new HVAC system, consider the rated energy efficiency.  Pricing may be important, but the long-term savings of an ACH On-Sale Trane HP can save you thousands of dollars in reduced unit lifetime energy consumption. It’s an HVAC decision you cannot afford to ignore.

Established by the United States DOE and increased in January of 2006, 13-SEER is the lowers current efficiency rating for central air conditioning systems. A higher rating reflects greater performance and energy efficiency. When faced with the decision of repair or replace air conditioning in an older 10-SEER setup, make sure that repair is very cheap and very simple, or else install something newer and better.


Heat pump performance and efficiency is not only measured by a residential SEER scale that is equivalent to that used on residential central sir conditioners, but they are also rated for efficiency on a Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF). Also established and set by the DOE, the HSPF of your installed Arizona Heat Pump may be just as important as your A/C SEER rating. In general, running an hp is less expensive than heating with a fuel-based system. In Arizona, a good heat pump will save you money on your winter heating bills.

Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) – Add Fuel Utilization to Your HVAC Decision

As a service of ASHRAE, the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers, the specs for your system’s AFUE are designed to ensure that your home is serviced by efficient HVAC equipment. The current ASHRAE restrictions require that manufacturers produce heating and cooling systems that perform no lower than 80% AFUE. But concerned air conditioning manufacturers strive to reap 96% and above. So what means the AFUE rating? In simple terms, AFUE rating identifies just how much of your energy dollar is fully utilized in the operation of your home furnace system. Thus, a 90% AFUE rating means that ten cents of every dollar is wasted.

Manufacturer Warranty Coverage

Perhaps you wonder why anyone needs a warranty for a product that should be built to last? Well, face it! In this world, perfection does not exist. Even the best efforts to design a fully fault-proof heating and cooling system fall short. Most times, buyers get a winner, but on occasion someone gets a lemon. Every major HVAC equipment provider strives to give you the best product for the money spent, yet they too recognize the complications of Murphy’s Law. Compare product warranties. Find out exactly what is covered and for how long each component is covered. Consider the value of acquiring an extended warranty when available.

And then follow-up by making sure your Arizona HVAC installation provider supports their services with a limited lifetime workmanship warranty.


ACH, Helping Arizona Residents Through The Core HVAC Decision Process


Since 1993, American Cooling and Heating has serviced AZ commercial, industrial and residential heating and cooling needs. We are Bonded, Insured and Licensed to meet your A/C installation, A/C repair and A/C maintenance requirements. Our Workmanship carries a 100% guaranteed of quality and reliability. For more information on Air Conditioning repair or replace options, click here.


Central Air Conditioning Set It And Forget It With Trane Programmable Thermostats

Mesa Central Air Conditioning At ACHCentral Air Conditioning Efficiency: Use A Programmable Thermostat And Avoid Manual Fan On Settings

Knowing what a central air conditioning system should do and knowing how to efficiently operate your programmable thermostat are not identical points of wisdom. For example: It may seem that the fan on your A/C or Heat Pump unit performs the same function as a standard room fan. Not So. HVAC system fans are designed to produce an entirely different manner of air circulation and air management.

Central A/C, Heat Pump Systems And Window Units

In core function, air conditioning removes hot air from within your home or office, and then returns to you the cooler air. Central A/C units circulate the chilled air throughout your office, home, or even a huge industrial plant. Window air conditioners, although sometimes used to cool an entire home, are most often used for single rooms and other forms of limited space cooling. Window fans, attic fans and other stationary fan units merely churn the existing air, creating turbulence that generates a sense of wind chill.

TIP! In order to cheaply cool your home, turn the temperature up. If you take a few showers a day or just drink a cold ice water, you’ll find that you’re saving a lot of money on your utility bills by keeping the thermostat a little higher than usual in your home.

Central cooling and heat pump systems work in conjunction with a structure’s overall HVAC components, which include air conditioning processes, heating equipment and even ventilation management. Room or window units function as stand-alone cooling, heating or cooling and heating appliances. Freestanding fans, although seeming to cool your home, in actuality increase the heat of the nearby air. Electricity generates heat. Thereby an electric fan when set to fan on releases additional heat into a room and provides no supplemental removal of hot air from the room. Now wind chill refers to the process wherein wind increases convective heat loss. By moving air throughout a room, a fan enables quicker and easier evaporation of sweat from your skin. Thus you are cooled by your body’s natural means of eliminating heat. The greater the wind chill, the more evaporation and the cooler you feel. But remember, fans do not remove hot air from the environment; they add hot air. Thus even as the wind chill effect reduces your discomfort, the fan actually increases the cause of that discomfort.

Central Air Conditioning Fan On Mode

The fan that functions with your installed AZ heat pump or central air conditioning system is also connected to your furnace system. Warm interior air returns to your outside air A/C condensing unit. The air passes through the condensing coils and is then re-circulated back to the inside furnace unit. The cool air is then disbursed via ducts and vents throughout your home. Although evaporation plays a role in the functions of a central A/C system, the core result is nothing like the results produced by a standard room fan, ceiling fan or even attic fan. The fan on your central HVAC unit is neither designed for or should be used as a regular home fan unit. Window air conditioners, however, are not like central A/C units. Setting the Fan On mode on a window unit merely circulate air just as a standard window fan functions. For cool air, you need to set the window unit to “air conditioning” mode.

TIP! When taking away-from-home vacations, set the thermostat on your HVAC system no more than five degrees apart from your standard setting. Differences of more than five degrees can damage the contents in your house – especially during the summer when the Arizona temperatures swell into the triple digits.

Under normal conditions, you should never set your central A/C fan mode to “Fan On” only mode. It causes problems for your thermostat and your overall heating and cooling system. Extended use of “Fan On” only mode increases room humidity while decreasing the efficiency of your HVAC system. For better HVAC equipment performance, the Arizona Energy Commission recommends that homeowners keep air conditioning system fans set to automatic.

Programmable Thermostats

In the Energy Star article “Heat and Cool Efficiently,” the editors suggest that an installed programmable thermostat can save homeowner’s as much as $180 per year in energy costs. During summer months, cooling an Arizona home accounts for as much as fifty-percent of home energy consumption. Several points help reduce this cost:

  • Review and understand the A/C or HP user manual · Install an Energy Star efficiency-rated cooling system
  • Ensure that your Arizona air conditioning system functions at or above minimum efficiency requirements
  •  If your system lacks the benefits of a programmable thermostat, make the investment; it will save you money
  •  Practice the “set it and forget it” A/C efficiency principal.
  • Live with 74-78 degrees F; It’s a comfortable and will keep your energy consumption on the low side.
TIP! Make sure things don’t get too hot or cold near the house thermostat. Nearby electronic devices and heat sources such as lamps and televisions can trick the thermostat into thinking the home is warmer than it actually is.

Trane Programmable Thermostats And Advanced Controls

Defined by quality components, every Trane Programmable Thermostat is crafted to help ensure that your family reaps the best in air conditioning comfort. Take a look at some of the options and features:Trane Central Air Conditioning Programmable Thermostat

  • Trane XL800 Deluxe Programmable Thermostat
  • Interactive touch screen
  • Armchair programming options
  • Permanent memory for lasting storage of programming functions
  • Effective management for minimum compressor run-time
  • Auto changeover between cooling and heating with a 3 to 10 degrees “dead band”
  • AND So much more.

Trane Comfort Link II Smart Control

Crafted for intuitive touch-screen control, the Trane ComfortLink� II sets the scale for innovative management of HVAC equipment. Adaptable to most all brands of heat pumps and A/C units, as well as most all Trane products, the Trane ComfortLink� II is ripe for the picking. Furthermore, the unit is fully upgradeable and well supported for updates to remain compatible with future-released heating and cooling systems. Features include: · Custom control and scheduling · Live weather and dealer contact

  • Energy efficient monitoring system
  • Air quality management with Quick Clean and Allergy Clean cycles designed to provide a temporary boost in air filtration
  • Remote access from smartphone, tablet or home computer system
  • Digital picture frame
  • AND so much more.


For even more details on Trane Programmable Thermostat and Trane central air conditioning equipment, click here.



Frozen Air Conditioning – Tips To Prevent AC Freezing

Mesa, Phoenix and Regional Arizona AC Service and MaintenanceFrozen Air Conditioning, A Common Preventable Arizona Cooling Issue

Frozen air conditioning on a 97+ degree Mesa Monday is not merely unfortunate; it is downright miserable. Humidity hangs at 22-percent, and the average Mesa, AZ wind factor creeps in at less than 5-mph. Experiencing summertime Arizona without functional in-home cooling establishes a new concept of emergency necessities.

First signs of a frozen heat pump or a frozen A/C condensing system typically include inadequate airflow through your home registers. An air conditioning system covered in ice concludes the investigation. An iced-over evaporator coil cannot effectively transfer inside heat into the outside air.

TIP! Before you call someone to help you fix your system, be sure to know what sort of system you have in place. Get information on the make and model, plus if you have information on the history of maintenance, that will help, too.

Although the Mesa homeowner can handle some solutions to a frozen cooling system, others will demand the services of a Mesa A/C repair center. The following pointers will help you resolve your frozen air conditioning issues.

Frozen Cooling System Mesa –  Three Root Causes

1) Inadequate Air Flow

Checking your HVAC air filter is A/C 101 repair school priority. Inadequate airflow upsets the balanced operation of your heating and cooling system. The evaporator coil surfaces must be free of dirt buildup, both near and far. Although a bit easier to fix, a dirty air filter in the return vent creates the same cooling hindrance as dirt build-up directly on the coil. If it restricts functional breathing of the equipment, a frozen heat pump or frozen air conditioning system becomes the natural result.

2) Temperature Management

TIP! Every year hire someone to give your HVAC unit routine maintenance. This will ensure that it works properly throughout the entire year.

Even the best of the best heating and cooling equipment can be overworked. For the most efficient and reliable performance, set your thermostats to 73-74 degrees. This should prevent your air conditioning from running continuously. If you have a programmable thermostat, consider setting your nighttime requirements at 74-75. The higher range will enable your system to gain some well-needed time off.

While working with the thermostat, you may notice faulty readings. In this event, unless you are a skilled electrician and HVAC technician, call your ACH tech for assistance.

3) Insufficient Refrigerant

TIP! Do you want to make sure your HVAC unit works for you like it should? It is important to have your unit maintained on a regular basis. The reputable technicians at American Cooling and Heating know how to understand consumer lay-talk explanations of A/C and HP problems. Call and share your HVAC questions about maintenance service on your system.

Low refrigerant is a common A/C and heat pump problem that should not be permitted to continue. Low levels of refrigerant sometimes cause the coil to become too cold. This freezes and accumulates the moisture in the air. In most events, homeowners lack the skill to test, repair or recharge an air conditioning system that is loosing refrigerant. So just remember this primary rule: Quality Air Conditioning technicians repair as well as recharge.

Fixing Cooling Problems Related To Air Conditioning Freeze Up

TIP! Every month clean out the leaves and debris that may have settled into your outdoor HVAC unit. You’ll be surprised at how much gets caught in the grill work.

Sometimes the problem is simple and sometimes the problem is complex. Prior to calling in any outside help, investigate the basic causes and seek your own remedy. Use the following process of problem-elimination:

Open all registers completely and make sure furniture or draperies are not blocking them.

a) Check fuses to confirm that the unit is receiving power

b) From the thermostat, set the blower fan to manual  to confirm blower operation

c) Examine, clean and/or replace the system air filters

d) Examine and open the registers

e) Ensure that neither the registers or the return vent are blocked by draperies or furniture

f) Trip the fuses and wait several hours for the system to thaw out

g) If the problem persists, contact American Cooling and Heating for 24/7 Mesa A/C repair services.

Substandard Cooling Equipment Maintenance Squanders Energy

Reports from the Environmental Protection Agency, disclose that a 30% increase in static pressure across the coil in your air conditioning system can spawn a $200 per 10,000 cfm swell in the price of operating your HVAC equipment. The expenditure does not include the outlay for clean up of drain pans, air ducts or dirty A/C oils.

But wait, there is more: Continued operation of a frozen air-conditioning system not only fritters away costly energy, it can also result in addition damage to your A/C unit. Among other key points of service, the American Cooling and Heating A/C and Heat Pump maintenance plan examines HVAC equipment in Mesa, Phoenix and other regional Arizona communities for compliance with:

  • Recommended airflow by measurement
  • Correct refrigerant measurements
  • Manufacturer installation specifications
  • National and local installation codes
  • National and local electrical standards
  • AND More.



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