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Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Thermostats and Advanced AC System Controls

Thermostats and controllers at ACHThermostats: The Tools That Manage HVAC Performance

In basic definition, thermostats and advanaced A/C system controls in air conditioning and heat pump systems are on/off switches. The switch functions in relationship to a thermostat’s set point as compared to changes in the indoor air temperature of the associated structure. But there is so much more to HVAC performance than what meets the casual examination.

Herein, the Arizona-based HVAC installation and maintenance group at American Cooling and Heating presents a brief overview of air conditioning and heat pump thermostats & advanced A/C system controls.

Basic Thermostat and A/C System Control Processes

In 1883, Warren S. Johnson invented the first electric room thermostat. The Johnson Controls technology used mercury and electrodes inserted directly through the glass. The systems were accurate within one degree of temperature.

Skip ahead. In modern technology, most 2014 air conditioning and heat pump thermostats operate on low voltage control circuits that pull 24 volts AC from a control transformer installed within the home’s heating or cooling equipment. Low voltage control technology provides a safety advantage that enables the thermostat to operate multiple electromechanical contractors, relays and sequencers at inherently safe voltage. Modern systems also include an integrated “anticipation” function that activates the contacts in a manner that prevents room temperatures from overshooting the desired temperature settings. And all this excludes the growing range of features associated with modern programmable thermostats & controllers.    

Pre-digital Heating and Air Conditioning Thermostats

In 1953, Honeywell introduced the T-86 “Round” thermostat technology (1). This bimetallic-spring regulated room thermostat still controls millions of home heating and cooling systems throughout the world.

Typically mounted on a central wall within the home, the traditional Honeywell thermostat uses a basic dial-type round-controller design that includes two temperature scales and two temperature pointers. The top scale and pointer provides the adjustable components of the system. The bottom scale shows the actual physical temperature in the chosen area of the home. Rotating the pointer in the top scale to the right increases the desired heating requirements. Rotating the pointer in the top scale to the left decreases the desired temperature setting.

In the early years, thermostats designed to control both cooling and heating included a manual setting switch at the base of the unit. This switch, also seen in rectangular units of the pre-digital era, can be moved from heat-to-off-to-cool or back again. The temperature sensor within the units compare the air temperature near the thermostat to the settings of the system and turn on or off the associated heating or cooling equipment as appropriate. The heat/cool/off control switch assures that only the selected equipment can activate at any one time.

Digital Era Thermostats and Controllers

By the year 2005, nearly 97% of U.S. households used installed heating systems (2). During the same time frame, only 75% of the U.S. households used air conditioning. But the world is changing and the changing climates associated with global warming continue to press upward the demand for installed home air conditioning. Modern programmable thermostat and controller technology bestows a dramatic increase in features and capabilities. From simple on/off heating and cooling to controlled ventilation systems and from manual settings to controllers that respond to electricity price signals the home air conditioning and heat pump management system engages in a whole new arena of thermal comfort and energy savings. And then along comes thermostats and advanced air conditioning controls that link directly into the home Internet networking system.

A Sampling of Thermostats and Controllers Available Via ACH

For homeowners and the HVAC industry, heating and cooling control is blazing a whole new world of opportunities. Here are some examples of thermostats and controllers offered to Arizona residents and installed by American Cooling and Heating:

Trane XL800 Digital Thermostat

Quality remains at the core of every Trane thermostat. Rely on the comfort. Trust the power of the Trane XL800 Deluxe Programmable to provide:

  • Bright back-lit display with interactive touch screenTrane-XL800-Digital-Thermostats-and-controllers
  • Armchair programming with removable screen
  • Filter clean/replacement key
  • Programming functions stored in permanent memory
  • Manual or auto changeover
  • Minimum compressor runtime
  • 3 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit “dead band” between heating and cooling set points in the “auto” changeover mode
  • Conventional or adaptive intelligent recovery
  • Min and max heating and cooling ranges
  • Daylight Savings Time key
  • Programmable fan can be programmed in the “on”, “auto” or “circulate” mode for each period
  • Vacation/leave program will hold vacation/leave temperature for up to 256 days
  • Five-minute time delay for compressor protection
  • Outdoor temperature display
  • Single-stage heat (gas or electric), single-stage cool
  • AND more.

Trane ComfortLink™ II SMART CONTROL

It’s innovative, fully upgradeable and the best that Trane offers. The ComfortLink™ II control features touch-screen configuration in a digital picture frame environment. Compatible with most brands of standard central heat pumps and air conditioning equipment as well as with Trane products, this controller enables Arizona homeowners with the power of the future. Features include:


  • Custom control and scheduling
  • Live weather and dealer contact via wireless networking
  • Energy efficient indoor/outdoor temperature monitoring
  • Air quality management designed to boost the efficiency of your air filter system
  • Remote access from within your home or from any Internet-enabled mobile device

But these two only touch the surface. American Cooling and Heating also installs:

  • Amana ComfortNet CTK03 Control         
  • Amana ComfortNet CTK01 Control       
  • Amana Digital Thermostats
  • Goodman Standard Touch Screen Thermostats
  • Goodman Communicating Thermostats
  • Rheem 100-Series Non-Programmable Thermostats
  • Rheem 200-Series Programmable Thermostats
  • Rheem 300-Series Deluxe Programmable Thermostats
  • Rheem 400-Series Special Applications and Programmable Thermostats
  • Rheem 500-Series Communicating and Programmable Thermostats
  • AND Other Equipment From Major Manufacturers.

American Cooling and Heating Offers Valley Wide Arizona Air Conditioning and Heating Sales, Installation and Services on residential, commercial and industrial equipment, including air conditioning condensers, air handlers, furnaces, heat pumps, refrigeration systems and other HVAC equipment.

Call now for more info:







Global Warming and Human Settlements in Urban Areas – An ACH Review of the 2014 WGII AR5 Final Draft

Global Warming Plot Of NASA GISS DataArizona HVAC Service Center, American Cooling and Heating, Presents a Review of the Risks, Vulnerabilities and Impact of Climate Change on People Who Live In An Urban Community

“To simplify the WGII AR5 final draft summary on global warming, think three categories of impact: 1) Resources, 2) Human Settlement and 3) Human Health. In this release of the American Cooling and Heating global warming series, we focus is on how climate change affects human settlements in urban environments,” ACH Phoenix data team.

For urban residents, global warming presents increasing risk factors associated with accumulated regional vulnerabilities and the economic conditions linked to those vulnerabilities. This release of the American Cooling and Heating global warming update highlights some of the problems, some of the possible solutions and some of the current effects that climate change has imposed and will continue to impose upon people who live in urban environments. For sake of a condensed presentation, all urban regions are grouped as one with no included adjustments for site size, characteristics or financially viable conditions

Preliminary Disclosure: The contents of the Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability report include the complete scientific and procedural evaluation of global warming data. Delivered in March of 2014 by the Working Group II global warming task force, the 2013 WGII AR5 IPCC Fifth Assessment Report is not yet approved in detail (1). However, the 38th Session of the IPCC has accepted the report along with the general statements of how global warming affects:

** Natural and managed world systems and world resources
** Matters of human health and human security
** AND Human settlements, including the industries and infrastructures within those settlements.

Urban Climate Adaptation Versus Urban Climate Change and the Associated Risks

Better than half of the world’s population resides, builds and works within urban communities (2). Global greenhouse gas emissions are an undesirable by-product of such tight-knit regions. Rapid growth in urban cities, especially in the low-to-middle income countries, generates an increase in vulnerable human settlements at risk of extreme weather change.

The situation can be somewhat controlled by effective governmental management of infrastructure, managed land-use and development of a strong ecosystem, but the risks factors continue to grow. Building reliable resilience while also enabling sustainable urban development demands leveraged support of climate change adaptation. A support that does not always deliver a resource-efficient solution to the growing problem of global warming and the associated climate changes hinders the resilience of the project.

The internal composition of most cities revolves around an inter-dependent system than can be managed but that can also be limited by medium confidence in limited submitted evidence. But when the evidence mounts and the management system delivers assurance of co-benefits, a powerful rise in support follows. The urban community suddenly realizes a resource-efficient method for addressing global warming and the associated climate changes.

As the risks associated with global warming increase, the negative impacts on human settlements, human health and local economies accumulate. Sea levels rise. Storms surge. Flooding, landslides and water scarcity are commonplace. Air pollution, drought and heat stress drive up the costs of air filtration, water supplies and even home air conditioning. Excessive energy consumption becomes the norm. According to the 2014 WGII AR5 Final Draft, by the year 2100 the cost of air conditioning will increase energy demands by up to 30-fold (2).

Changes in the climate impact almost every range of urban infrastructure, including sanitation and drainage, energy and water resources, transportation, and communication. Is the services arena, urban dwellers can expect a rise in risk factors associated with emergency services and personal health care response times. From economic stress factors to household well-being, the methods or managing urban communities will play a major role in future balance of the environmental and ecosystem services of the world.

For individuals, climate change affects multiple areas of life, including individual and family assets, personal health, and the methods of maintaining a decent livelihood. Yet in the human settlements that lack in essential services and infrastructure, provisions for adaptation are limited and the risks factors are explosive.

But all is not gloom and doom. Urban communities can adapt and it begins now. Every city can increment steps that lean toward a sustainable alignment with risk governance. From the private sector to the power of local and community governmental resources, the opportunities for immediate action is possible even if not currently realized in practice. It begins with a strong urban government that is capable of assessing and integrating a local regulatory framework that generates local support and confidence. It requires planning, design and allocation of resources and manpower. And it needs to be processed in incremental and transformative solutions that further increase the urban confidence in adaptation outcomes.


Next up: A look at global warming and climate change as associated with human settlements, industry and infrastructure in rural areas.

Series presented by American Cooling and Heating, Arizona HVAC Sales and Service for Trane, Amana, Goodman, Rheem, Carrier and all other major HVAC brands. For information on current ACH 2014 A/C product promotions, contact:



This article and its content do not constitute legal, financial, technical, or medical advice. While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that this document is correct at the time of publication, the company and its employees and agents disclaim any and all liability to any person in respect of anything or the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done in reliance upon the whole or any part of this article and its content. All trademarks, logos, and associated content displayed are the property of their respective owners.





Global Warming Series, An Update On The Effects of Global Warming From American Cooling and Heating

global warming Arizona-based HVAC Industry Leader, American Cooling and Heating, Announces A New Series on the Effects of Global Warming On Residential Air Conditioning

“It’s in the news, troubling world leaders and leading to a near certain surge in cooling-related consumption of energy. Helping Arizona residents keep up with the effects of global warming on home air conditioning is just another part of our job,” ACH Arizona blog manager.

According to final drafts of Climate Change 2014:Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability as delivered by the Working Group II (WGII) AR5, the projected global demand for air conditioning will increase by 30-fold within the next 86 years. It may seem a long time span, but the incremental effects are already in process. As a national leader in the air conditioning industry, American Cooling and Heating aims to help Arizona residents keep abreast with current information as presented by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Global Warming, Part I: An Introduction to IPCC

Established in 1988 by the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and in conjunction with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stands as the international leader in the assessment of climate change and the effects of global warming on the environment, the nations and the people throughout those nations.

The focus is simple:

** 1) Examine the understandings and validity of the presented scientific facts concerning the effects of climate change and its potential socio-economic and environmental impact
** 2) Ensure that world leaders are presented a clear and unbiased scientific point of view.

The IPCC scientific body functions under the sponsorship of the UN. The group reviews and evaluates the value of ongoing scientific, methodological and socio-economic data as accumulated and disclosed by other global climate-change monitoring resources. However, the IPCC does not within its own resources monitor, test or conduct any measurements on data parameters associated with global warming.

Volunteer scientists working from all regions of the global world center accomplish the work of the IPCC. They number into the thousands and they hail from all parts of the earth. Ensuring accuracy and objective scientific reporting is critical to the success of the project and to the trustworthiness of the reporting parties. By remaining objective, IPCC can present a reliable range of views and expertise. Governed by the Secretariat and hosted at the WMO headquarters in Geneva, the work of the IPCC is readily available to all Governments.

As an intergovernmental body, the IPCC enables membership from any nation that participates in the United Nations (UN) and the WMO. As of 2014, membership included representation from 195 countries. This resource embodies a balanced link between the scientific evidence of ongoing climate change and the governments that need to react to those changes. Thus the IPCC issues reports that are policy-neutral yet uniquely policy-relevant to the world as a whole. IPCC reports are never issued as policy-prescriptive.

Next up in the ACH Global Warming Update, Part II: Understanding Climate Change and the Effects of Global Warming

 This climate change series is presented by American Cooling and Heating, Arizona HVAC Sales and Service for Trane, Amana, Goodman, Rheem, Carrier and all other major HVAC brands. For information on current ACH 2014 A/C product promotions, contact:



This article and its content do not constitute legal, financial, technical, or medical advice. While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that this document is correct at the time of publication, the company and its employees and agents disclaim any and all liability to any person in respect of anything or the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done in reliance upon the whole or any part of this article and its content. All trademarks, logos, and associated content displayed are the property of their respective owners.



ACH Goodman Air Conditioning Sale Offers Right Priced, Right Sized and Right Installed Heating and Cooling Solutions For Mesa AZ

Goodman Air Conditioning Sale at ACHAnnouncing the 2014 American Cooling and Heating Mesa AZ Goodman Air Conditioning Sale: Delivered and Installed With The ACH Lifetime Warranty For Workmanship Reliability

“Goodman air conditioners provide affordable home comfort. American Cooling and Heating provides reliable A/C installation. Taken together, this sale offers Mesa AZ residents a durable, energy-efficient right-priced air conditioning upgrade,” Mesa sales rep., ACH.

Bringing the Goodman brand of home comfort to local residents at affordable pricing marks only one of the reasons American Cooling and Heating keeps beating out competitors. But energy-efficient HVAC performance involves more than best-pricing air conditioning sale tactics.

Installing an over-sized air conditioner may seem like a sure way to beat the heat, but an over-sized system merely hinders the proper management of the dehumidification process. Rather than feeling comfortable, a mismatch of environment-to-equipment may actually end up making the home feel “clammy” and uncomfortable. The ACH Goodman air conditioner installation team ensures that every ACH-installed A/C system not only matches the requirements of the home, but also meets or exceeds the local, national and manufacturer codes and specifications for excellence. American Cooling and Heating stands behind every ACH air conditioning installation with the Lifetime Limited Workmanship Warranty of assurance.

No Mesa AZ homeowner should feel forced to choose between comfortable living and excessive spending. Goodman brand HVAC systems bridge the gap. This ACH Goodman air conditioning sale may be the perfect solution for buyers in need of affordable pricing, high-efficient performance and a product that is crafted for durability. And noting is lacking, not in performance, reliability or warranty. Along with the ACH Lifetime Limited Workmanship Warranty, every Goodman system comes with the Goodman assurance of technical excellence.

Goodman Warranty Protection Programs

Customer satisfaction remains a core principle behind the Goodman brand HVAC manufacturing process. Goodman supports every central A/C system. From the outstanding coverage on compressors via the Goodman Lifetime Compressor Limited Warranty* to an extended parts and labor warranty, the Goodman support system makes a difference. Buyers can also go with a 10-year unit replacement limited warranty. For full Goodman warranty details on ACH Goodman air conditioning sale products, check the specs for the specific product.

Goodman also offers an Extended Service Plan** that offers worry-free protection on parts, labor or parts and labor. Extended coverage is affordable, assured and locked in, no matter how greatly the cost of repairs may increase.

Goodman Air Conditioning Sale Products List

GSC13 Air Conditioners on Sale

This 13-SEER system ships with a 5-Year Parts Limited Warranty. Designed for use with R-22 refrigerant, the Goodman GSC13 A/C unit includes a high-performance compressor, factory-installed in-line filter drier and corrugated aluminum fins with rifled refrigeration-grade copper tubing. This system is DOE rated and ships charged with inert gas.

GSX13 and GSX16 Air Conditioners on Sale

The Goodman GSX13 cranks in at 13-SEER performance using R-410A Chlorine-free refrigerant. Backed by the Goodman 10-year Parts Limited Warranty, the system includes a copper tube/aluminum fin coil system, brass liquid and suction valves, factory-installed liquid line filter drier and a Goodman energy-efficiency compressor.

The Goodman GSX16 air conditioner slips in as the big brother to the GSX13 and kicks out up to 16-SEER performance. It not only carries the Goodman 10-year Parts Limited Warranty but it also carries the Goodman 10-year Compressor Limited Warranty. Outfitted with R-410 chlorine-free refrigerant, the GSX16 packs the power of the Goodman high-efficiency scroll compressor and a condenser fan motor that churns out 850 RPM. This AHRI certified system also includes the Goodman copper tube / enhanced aluminum fin coil system.

DSXC16 and DSXC18 Goodman Air Conditioners on Sale

This family starts with the DSXC16 A/C up to 16-SEER system compatible with the Goodman ComfortNet™ Communication System. Warranty coverage includes the Goodman Lifetime Compressor Limited Warranty, the Goodman 10-year Unit Replacement Limited Warranty and the Goodman 10-year Parts Limited warranty. The unit also includes on-board diagnostic indicator lights, a two-stage Copeland® UltraTech scroll compressor, and high/low pressure switches. But it doesn’t stop there. The Goodman DSXC16 uses R-410A chlorine-free refrigerant, a two-speed condenser fan motor and AHRI certified performance ratings.

The Goodman DSXC18 air conditioner sale reaches into the upper ranges of system performance, warranty protection, and home comfort. At up to 18-SEER performance, the R-410A powered system is also compatible with the ComfortNet™ Communication System. Additional features include the two-stage Copeland® UltraTech scroll compressor, on-board sensors, diagnostic indicators and the expanded ComfortAlert diagnostic system. AHRI certified, the Goodman DSXC18 also ships with a two-speed condenser fan motor and factory-installed filter drier system.

Full-Range American Cooling and Heating 2014 Air Conditioning Sale

ACH knows that Goodman is not the right match for every home. The ACH 2014 A/C sale isn’t limited to a single brand of HVAC equipment. With American Cooling and Heating, Mesa AZ homeowners don’t have to lock in on the products of any specific manufacturer. This sale includes Amana HVAC solutions, Carrier heat pumps and A/C condensers, Rheem residential systems, Trane heating, cooling and air filtration systems, and a host of other major components.

All ACH install HVAC systems include:

**  The ACH assurance of factory-spec residential product sizing
**  24/7 on-call service support
**  The ACH Lifetime Limited Workmanship Warranty
**  Product installation according to local and national HVAC installation codes
**  Full disclosure on all manufacturer warranty statements
**  MORE.




*  Effective so long as the buyer owns the home
**Extended service plans not available in all states.  For full details, ask the local ACH dealer.



This article and its content do not constitute legal, financial, technical, or medical advice. While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that this document is correct at the time of publication, the company and its employees and agents disclaim any and all liability to any person in respect of anything or the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done in reliance upon the whole or any part of this article and its content. All trademarks, logos, and associated content displayed are the property of their respective owners.


Tempe AZ Trane CleanEffects™ Air Filters Sale Promotes Whole-Home Air Filtration

Arizona Indoor Air Filters SaleAmerican Cooling and Heating Announces Year-Long 2014 Trane CleanEffects™ Air Filters Sale To Help Seniors, Children and the In-Between Too Enjoy Filtered Indoor Air Quality

“According to the Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency, installation of a whole-home air filtration system provides effective relief from allergy agents, low-level radon and other indoor air-borne health hazards,” local ACH tech, Tempe AZ.

The Trane CleanEffects™ air filters sale by  HVAC industry leader American Cooling and Heating  brings low priced indoor air quality filtration technology to Arizona homeowners, including residents of Tempe AZ and the surrounding area. When coupled with an ACH senior discount package, buying a Trane air conditioning system or Trane heat pump system that includes an ACH installed Trane CleanEffects™ air filtration unit makes for honey on the bread. 

Active retirement often involves indoor hobbies. Anything from assembling model airplanes to woodworking in miniature can provide seniors with pleasure as well as “mini-movement” physical activity. Image crafting a dollhouse with a stained hardwood floor made out of ordinary Popsicle sticks. It’s cool, so cool that the grand-kids and the  in-between kids may also want to pitch in.

Of course indoor activities somtimes produce a bit of additional indoor air pollution. Constructing a dollhouse version of the White House generates a tad of dust accompanied by the paint fumes, glue drops and more. Yet the task of crafting clothing, décor, furniture and quilts on a 1:20 scale can awaken excitement in young folks as well as seniors. Although home air filtration is not foolproof, it can help balance the equation.

ACH 2014 Trane CleanEffects™ Air Filter Sale Fits The Bill

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, realizing the full opportunity that occurs during system upgrades involves two steps: 1) Go with higher efficiency heating and cooling equipment and 2) Add features that help ensure better comfort, durability, energy management, indoor air quality and safety.

The sum of these steps involve:

*  Right sizing and/or multiple speed HVAC load matching
*  Installing economizers designed to reduce energy consumption and increase system ventilation
*  Increase comfort by adding “zoning” when appropriate to the home
*  Improve uniform temperatures by correcting identifiable airflow problems
*  Install better controllers and humidity management technology
*  Provide operator manuals and ensure that homeowners understand the instructions
*  Take control of mold, odors and allergy-causing agents

The expert air conditioning installation teams at American Cooling and Heating know how to handle the system sizing, zoning and airflow problems. They also take care of managing humidity, the homeowner education process and the best pricing on home heat pumps, air handlers and other air conditioning equipment.

And when it comes time to help Tempe AZ seniors enjoy indoor air quality, ACH recommends an industry leader in home comfort: Trane, the company that consistently sets new standards in home A/C comfort. For managing allergies or merely providing a better environment for working less stressful home hobbies, the revolutionary Trane CleanEffects™ technology presents the most effective whole-house air filtration system on the market. Look no further for the best in Trane air filters sale pricing.

The Trane CleanEffects™ spec sheet:

*  Trane Air Filters remove indoor air particles as small as .1 microns at an efficiency rating of 99.98% effectiveness
*  Vacuum or rinse filter system that does not require replacement
*  Visible external cleaning indicators (Typical cleaning cycles is once every 3 to 9 months)
*  Clean air delivery at an industry-leading 1,200
*  Easy to install and operates with quiet efficiency.

The indoor summer ozone levels may click in at 12 to 80 ppb. A senior craft project may kick it higher. The design of the Trane CleanEffects system aims for a unit that falls well below the FDA emission limit for medical devices. Trane air filters contribute less than .3 ppb ozone to the homeowner’s living space.

Registered Limited Warranty on Trane CleanEffects™ Air Filters

*  10-year Registered Limited Warranty on internal functional parts (Unit must be registered within 60 days of installation)
*  Base Limited Warranty even without product registration
*  Optional Warranty Coverage including purchase of transferable Registered Limited Warranty and/or Extended Warranties on parts, labor or parts and labor.

A 2014 Year-Long Air Conditioning Sale That Covers The Whole Home

Arizona residents, including seniors and children, deserve the best and quickest resolution to their heating, cooling and air cleaning problems. ACH is on-call 24/7 with the best products at the best value-added pricing in the area. Every American Cooling and Heating installed HVAC system is backed by the ACH lifetime guarantee of workmanship quality, but homeowners also get:

**  Custom residential A/C sizing to factory specifications
**  The ACH “No Wait” guarantee of on-time service
**  Professional HVAC installation that meets every local and national code
**  Full support to ensure that manufacturer warranties are honored
**  MORE.

Other Popular Heating and Cooling Products On Sale At ACH

Trane Condensing units, Air Handlers, Heat Pumps and More
*  Carrier heating and cooling products
*  The full line of Amana HVAC products, including Packaged Heat Pump Systems, Gas Furnaces and Air Handlers
*  Rheem Air Conditions, Heat Pumps, Air Cleaners and More.
*  AND HVAC products from every other major manufacturer.


For more information on CleanEffects™ Air Filters and how they can improve life in a Tempe AZ homestead, contact:







This article and its content do not constitute legal, financial, technical, or medical advice. While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that this document is correct at the time of publication, the company and its employees and agents disclaim any and all liability to any person in respect of anything or the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done in reliance upon the whole or any part of this article and its content. All trademarks, logos, and associated content displayed are the property of their respective owners.




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