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Why Phoenix Heat Pump Installation is the Right Arizona Heating Option

Whether Heating or Cooling, Phoenix Heat Pump Installation Makes Good Arizona Sense

Against the moderate heating requirements but intense cooling demands of Arizona, Phoenix heat pump installation provides a logical, economical and comfortable HVAC solution. Although slightly more pricey than standard central Air Conditioning, heat pumps provide an effective energy-efficient alternative to central gas, electric or fuel oil furnace systems.

Whereas standard A/C units shift heat from within your home by extracting the hot interior air and replacing it with cooler exterior air, heat pumps function on the order of an Air Conditioning system and a refrigerator unit. This means they move warm air in both directions. For example: A refrigerator compressor uses electricity to shift heat from insider your cooler to outside your cooler. In the process of removing the heat from within the refrigerator, the compressor dumps warm air into the kitchen.

When functioning as an Air Conditioning system, your Phoenix heat pump extracts warm air from within your home, dumps it into the exterior Arizona environment and then returns cooler exterior air into your home. As a heating system, the heat pump extracts warm air from exterior Arizona environment, dumps it into your Phoenix home and then moves the cooler inside air into the outside environment.

Correctly installed heat pumps move heat rather than generate heat. If a skilled and reputable Phoenix HVAC dealer handles your Phoenix heat pump installation, the system will provide as much as four times the amount of energy it consumes. For more details on quality Phoenix HP installation, click here.


Air-Source Heat Pumps – The Most Commonly Installed Phoenix A/C Equipment

Modern heat pump technology provides a multitude of HVAC options, including absorption heat pumps, geothermal (ground-source or water-source) heat pumps and the common air-source heat pump.

Geothermal Heat Pumps – As a highly efficient but costly HVAC solution, geothermal HP equipment utilizes natural ground and/or water temperatures. The units tend to have a lower operating cost that other HVAC heating solutions. However, they have specific regional requirements for subsoil conditions and physical routing space. As a heating solution in regions that typically experience extreme temperatures, geothermal heat pumps provide a high level of customer satisfaction. As a Phoenix heat pump installation option, they may be more costly than what is reasonably acceptable.

Absorption Heat Pumps – Typically called gas-fired heat pumps, absorption HP units are relatively new to the residential HVAC marketplace. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, residential absorption heat pumps are fuel driven systems that use ammonia-water absorption cycles. The ammonia is absorbed into water rather than pressure pumped. The heat source is used to boil the ammonia out of the water. Absorption heat pumps are currently only available on homes to the scale of 4,000 plus sq. feet.

Air-Source Heat Pumps – Typical Phoenix heat pump installation projects use air-source HP solutions. Designed to transfer heat from house air to outside air or from outside air to house air, air source heat pumps are energy efficient, reliable and comfortable. During the winter, an American Cooling and Heating installed AZ heat pump can trim your electric usage by as much as 40%. High-efficiency air source heat pumps provide improved humidity control over standard central air conditions. Against the mean average temperatures in Arizona, a Phoenix heat pump installation not only makes good AZ sense, it makes the best AZ sense.

Some Arizona homes are not equipped with a duct system. AC&H can also install a ductless, mini-split heat pump system. Modern heat pump technology also includes a system called “reverse cycle chillers.”  Designed for use as a radiant floor HVAC solution, “reverse cycle chillers” generate hot and cold water rather than air.

For more details on your Arizona HVAC options, click here.


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Phoenix Heat Pump Installation Reduces the Arizona Heat Island Effect

Phoenix Heat Pump Installation Against Heat Island EffectLeaving Behind, For a Moment, the Benefits of Phoenix Heat Pump Installation

Before talking about Phoenix heat pump installation, it makes sense that you understand the definition of the term “Arizona Heat Island Effect.” You also need to know how the heat island effect relates to the comfort level within your home. So let’s start by defining the Arizona heat island effect.

According to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the term “heat island” was coined to describe the relationship between air temperatures in the city and air temperatures in the surrounding rural areas. In specific, it compares the heat buildup that occurs in towns and cities to the normal temperatures in nearby rural areas. In a city with one million residents, the heat island effect can produce annual mean air temperatures that run from 1.8 to 5.4°F higher than the nearby rural centers. In the peak of an Arizona summer, the evening increase in air temperatures between Phoenix and the nearby rural areas can reach as high as 22°F.

For you, as an Arizona resident, it means this: 

  • Increased energy demands for comfortable Arizona air conditioning
  • Higher cooling costs
  • Increased local and global air pollution
  • Greater local and global greenhouse gas emissions
  • Poor water quality and greater danger to local water life
  • Increased personal health risks, including the likelihood of more illnesses, poor indoor air quality and the possibility of a fatal heat stroke.

Statistics suggest that heat islands may elevate the local energy demand on Phoenix heat pump systems and other A/C equipment by as much as 5 to 10 percent. The associated excess demand on fuel driven power plants generates an increase in air-borne instances of carbon monoxide (CO), mercury (Hg), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM), and sulfur dioxide (SO2). Ground-level ozone and the temperature of rainwater also increase. Stormwater runoff becomes dangerous and even fatal to local aquatic species.


As air pollution escalates, your health becomes compromised. Estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest that exposure to excess heat results in more heat cramps, more respiratory problems and an increase in heat strokes. Installing quality Arizona heat pump solutions and an indoor air quality filtration system helps you protect yourself and your family.



Arizona Heat Pump Installation and Other Common-Sense “Heat Island” Solutions


By acting wisely, most Arizona communities can reduce the damage of summertime heat islands.  In fact, many strategies are already in position through state and federal resources. Methods for heat island prevention and heat island damage reduction include: 

  • Advanced roofing technology such as green roofs and cool roofs
  • Better management of environmental conditions such as an increase in tree planting and new paving technologies
  • Installing new energy-efficient Arizona heat pump systems and air filtration equipment.


Even as you read this article, Gilbert, Arizona Development Services is working with citizens, contractors, local architects and project designers to implement cool pavement technology, cool roofing approaches and other environmental management systems. Reducing the Urban Heat Island effects is critical to a safe environment.


Likewise, the Arizona Department of Heath Services (ADHS) is working to provide travelers and state residents with up-to-date information concerning extreme heat events. The Phoenix office of the National Weather Service is responsible for updating the southwest/south-central Arizona region, and Tucson handles the forecasts for the southeastern region of the state.


According to their website, the city of Tempe AZ is also working to educate and help residents on matters related to the heat-island effect, water availability and pollution. In fact, the Tempe Arizona current calendar of events includes an art exhibition designed for education on this very issue. Make a note to attend.


But warnings and state managed changes only work if the entire community participates. Citizens must also become a part of the solution. For example: Phoenix community weatherization programs provide home weatherization resources to low-income qualifying Phoenix residents. This helps reduce excess heating and cooling bills, but it also reduces the time that an Phoenix heat pump or Arizona Air Conditioning system functions. The service also provides funds to help low-income families install efficient cooling measures. You can’t beat increased comfort at a lower energy cost and a victory over the Urban Heat Island effect.


Cost Savings on Energy Efficient Installed Phoenix Heat Pump Solutions


It is good if you are not in the low-income bracket. But that doesn’t mean your home can afford to ignore the effects of the Arizona heat island effect. Having sufficient income to manage your own heating, cooling and weatherization processes doesn’t mean it should cost you by the bucket load of dollars. Remember: Heat pumps not only provide cost-efficient cooling but they also provide energy-efficient heating. With an installed Arizona heat pump, you don’t have to wait on the season of “heat island effects” to begin saving money.  

American Cooling and Heating has been in the Air Conditioning and Phoenix Heat Pump Installation business since 1993. We service and install A/C equipment throughout the Phoenix region.


For more details on how you can save money on an energy efficient Arizona heat pump solution, click here.


Arizona Air Filtration, The Importance of Indoor Air Quality

Arizona Air FiltrationCan Installing Arizona Air Filtration Devices Improve Your Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Recent reports evidence the benefits Arizona Air Filtration has on the effect of Phoenix indoor air quality. According to the Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency, area homeowners don’t have to risk the IAQ dangers associated with radon. The report “Radon Doesn’t Have To Be A Problem,” identifies clear health benefits linked to Arizona air filtration. According to the Radiation Regulatory Agency, radon IAQ problems can be reduced by any of three differing methods:

  • Use an air filtration device to capture, filter and re-inject the ducted supply lines of central forced air heating and A/C systems
  • Install a stand-alone central Arizona air filtration system on homes that lack central A/C and central heating
  • Install console HEPA filter systems in Phoenix regional homes that lack space for forced air duct systems.

Controlling the problem by use of air filtration devices is dependent upon the existing type of heating and cooling system – or the lack thereof of any central HVAC units. The Arizona-based Regulatory Agency goes on to advise homeowners concerning current radon management systems versus new technology systems. Many regional homes may us active soil depressurization systems, yet the Agency suggests that applying one of the three air filtration solutions can not only control radon but also reduce the effects of allergies and asthma. If your radon levels are relatively low, the Agency says you might be better off considering new indoor air control technology.

Furthermore, the Agency offers the following primary instructions for correct application and assured performance:

  • HEPA Connections – Hire a qualified Arizona HVAC mechanical contractor for the installation. If possible, your indoor air quality system should connect to your existing air conditioning or furnace duct-work.
  • Testing – Ensure that your air filtration system effectively manages the radon decay level in your home.

Understand that radon is not reduced, but rather the harmful radon decay products are reduced. Understand also that Arizona air filtration is only effectively appropriate for radon levels from 4 to 8 pCi/L.


Radon Only One Danger Managed By Effective Arizona Air Filtration

State indoor radon sampling indicates that Arizona homes may slightly exceed the EPA recommended action level for radon concentrations. But this is a rate that hangs near to the national average.

The good news: Temperatures is Phoenix, Mesa, Scottsdale and other Arizona regions tend to help reduce the amount of radon that is drawn into a home. The bad news: Arizona sub floor forced air conditioning systems often use return air ducts that run on the soil below slab floors. This results in overall poorer indoor air quality. Here are some steps you can take to immediately reduce the problem:

  • When weather permits, ventilate your home
  • Open some windows
  • Open doors and use freestanding fans to force exterior air to pass through your home
  • Contact American Cooling and Heating for immediate installation of Trane Clean Effects Whole Home Filtration.

But remember: Indoor air quality is not just about radon. According to the U.S. EPA, indoor air pollutants fall into two categories: 1) Particulate matter such as animal dander, dust, molds, pollen and smoke 2) Gaseous pollutants such as arises from adhesives, cleaning products, gas cooking, pesticides and varnish.

Clean air systems can remove many indoor air contaminates. Air filtration devices function on the order of particle removers, gaseous pollutant removers and pollutant destruction devices. American Cooling and Heating is licensed, bonded and insured to handle your Arizona air conditioning and indoor air quality problems. We can install, repair or inspect your existing HVAC equipment.

For help in deciding which indoor air filtration device, click here, is best for your Arizona home contact American Cooling and Heating today.





Phoenix Arizona Indoor Air Quality – Best Air Filters For Allergies

Arizona Indoor Air QualityImproving Arizona Indoor Air Quality – Effective Air Conditioning and the Best Air Filters For Allergies

If Arizona indoor air quality (IAQ) is critical to advanced education, should it not also provide better in-home comfort and learning? Clean air reduces allergic reactions in children and adults. Regulated indoor air temperatures promote better personal comfort, better thought focus and a better learning environment. Combining air conditioning with the best air purifiers produces the best results.

Throughout the nation, IAQ has become a point of major research. A healthy classroom environment promotes a better learning experience among students, young and old alike. According to Trane for K-12 Schools, the connection between student/teacher performance and effective school ventilation management is a documented point of fact. When students and teachers come together in a structure with efficient air filtration, air conditioning and air ventilation, the learning process becomes easier and more efficient.

If air conditioning and managed air purification works for educational facilities, how much more will the best air filters for allergies provide quality indoor air for your Arizona home?

To take the American Cooling and Heating Trane Clean Air Quiz, Click Here.


Improving Classroom Air Conditioning and Air Filtration Efficiency

The interior air pollutants within Arizona educational structures can include chalk dust, cleaning supplies, lab chemicals, mildew, mold, exterior construction-related impurities and a host of student viruses and odors. When packed against classrooms bearing as many as four times the occupants per square foot as your work place, the need for improved Arizona indoor air quality increases at an alarming rate.

Two forms of defense are necessary:

  1. Reduce the contamination from exterior pollution
  2. Improved the indoor air conditioning, air filtration and control of accumulated dust, gases, particles, spores and other allergy inducing pollutants.

Factors affecting the success of IAQ management include humidity and temperature control as well as the best air filters for pollution control. Whole home air filtration and air conditioning systems are designed to prevent “cold and drafty” as well as “hot and stuffy.” Research indicates that temperatures between 67°F and 74°F promote the best comfort levels for increased learning capacity. Temperatures below or above the specs inhibit student learning in crucial areas such as mathematics and reading skills.

Installing Arizona indoor air quality management systems can help your child receive the same in-home learning boast as he or she receives at the school. It may even eliminate your nightly battles to ensure that homework is actually completed as scheduled.


Managed Arizona Indoor Air Quality For Your Home

Installing Arizona HVAC systems designed to optimize temperature comfort zones and relative humidity achieves the best classroom results. Allergy prevention is an additional concern. For best Phoenix air conditioning results, consider combining managed Arizona indoor air quality with the best air filter for allergies.

If it works for Phoenix regional schools, it will work for your home.

According to Consumer Reports: Leaks in doors, windows and elsewhere cause your home to recycle outside air ever two hours. Controlling the leaks helps eliminate the issue of poor Arizona indoor air quality. You can repair some air leaks, but what about the leaks associated with damaged ductwork, the leaks that pull dust from beneath your home or the attic space? Do what you can to stop the leaks and then call in a professional to take care of the A/C duct problems. For more details on professional Arizona A/C duct repair, click here:


Arizona Air Conditioning and Whole-Home Indoor Air Filters Installed

A holistic home air cleaning system provides cleaner air and better Arizona IAQ for you and your family. The best of the best air filters for allergies can help relieve the symptoms of asthma and other dust and gas-related physical aliments.

You don’t have to put up with bacteria, dust, odors, particulates and VOCs. The quality of your indoor air is important to your health, comfort and learning. Get help today. Let American Cooling and Heating Arizona provide you with professional guidance in all matters concerning Arizona indoor air quality. We offer:

  • Full A/C installation
  • The best air filters for allergies
  • And the assurance that your Arizona indoor air quality will improve.


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Arizona Air Conditioning Benefits From New Energy Saving Technologies

Arizona Air Conditioning - Temperature key for the "five-year average global temperature anomalies from 1880 to 2010" video

Can New Innovations in Arizona Air Conditioning Cut Your Rate of Energy Consumption?


Arizona Air Conditioning – Even as global warming increases and temperatures rise, the technology to produce more energy efficient HVAC equipment moves forward. Throughout the world, including Phoenix, Mesa and other Arizona regions, the demand for reliable cost-efficient home and office A/C performance is on the increase. The heat wave is here and the future will bring even more.

But will the new innovations in air conditioning actually reduce your Arizona energy bills?

Rising Energy Consumption Reflects A Worldwide Growth In Air Conditioning Demands

Even as the summer sun settles beneath the horizon and fall slips upon Phoenix AZ and other U.S. cities, the luxury of home air conditioning remains a worldwide desire. China and India are finally coming to age, demanding home cooling equipment and driving an A/C buying spree that is increasing at the rate of 20 percent per year.  According to the national energy experts, home cooling in the United States requires as much as 185 billion kilowatt-hours of yearly energy consumption. How much demand will ride the coattails of China and India?

Somehow, we must learn to beat the heat without fueling the fires of global warming. We cannot continue to fuel cooling systems with fossil fuels. According to Cheryl Martin deputy director of the U.S. Advanced Research Project Agency for Energy (ARPA-E), prevention and control lies in technology that can reduce the energy consumption of air conditioning equipment.

ARPA-E Funding Applied to New Innovations in A/C Technology

By using chlorofluorocarbons and other refrigerants to absorb heat, conventional air conditioning systems collect internal heat and then expel it into the outside environment. The process requires electricity to power compressors and pumps. New alternatives seek to replace refrigerant materials with solid materials that consume less energy. ARPA-E funding encourages a development of technology that will enable a thermoelectric solid to absorb heat. 

  • The end goal: Produce cheaper refrigerators and air conditioning equipment
  • What makes it effective: A lack of moving parts
  • The results: Fewer breakdowns and better reliability in rural areas.

A/C Technology That Uses Membranes and Water Condensing Processes

A project that began with funding via ARPA-E makes use of specialty membranes capable of producing cool air by condensing water. Under development by Dais Analytic Corp, ADMA and other “new innovation air conditioning” performers, the projects have become so effective as to pick up financial backing from the U.S. Navy. The system is being designed to meet the air conditioning and dehumidifier needs for troops and equipment in Afghanistan and Iraq. Efficiency improvements are expected to reach 30 percent or more. This means less fuel consumption, less transportation needs and less life endangerment due to fewer convoys.

Think about how effective such a cost-efficient system would be as an alternative Arizona Air Conditioning solution. A system that supports Navy troops is well worth consideration for home use.

Time is, of course, an issue. From development to commercial, home and office use, membrane technologies will go through many changes. The Navy is pushing. Expect the technology to move forward quickly and efficiently. ARPA-E discussions even include the possibility of cooling via the power of magnets or sound waves.

Affects on Mesa, Scottsdale and Other Phoenix Arizona Air Conditioning Requirements

According to the National Weather Service Phoenix AZ, recent Valley temperatures have exceeded 122 °F+. Some stretches of 100 °F+ temperatures have run as long as 76 days. More efficient Arizona air conditioning can benefit the people and the city. Meeting the growing demand for better cooling in a way that cost-effectively reduces the greenhouse consequences should be a priority of every citizen.

 For more information on how new Air Conditioning technology can improve your Phoenix home comfort level, click here.


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