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Tempe AZ Trane HP and A/C Condensing System Sales-Spree Jump-Starts the Local 2014 Air Conditioning Installation and Upgrade Decision-Making Process

Trane A/C Condensing UnitsArizona HVAC Sales and Installation Center, American Cooling and Heating, Offers Cost-Effective Buyer Incentives Guaranteed to Make Buying a Trane Air Conditioning System Number One On the Tempe AZ Home Improvement List

“Age catches the equipment and before you know it homeowners are spending so much on Air Conditioning maintenance that our Trane A/C and HP condensing sale makes turning the corner of system-replacement a best-choice option for every Arizona resident,” ACH Sales rep, Tempe Arizona office.

In a land where dust storms can swell into an all out “haboob”, the outdoor A/C condensing unit faces a tough task. Wind gusts that hit sixty miles per hour and reduce visibility to ¼ mile or less don’t exactly promote peak Heat Pump performance. Yet when concentrated heat from within a structure is collected and then passed over the outside condensing coils, the fire inside a structure should be discharged into the fire outside the structure. American Cooling and Heating makes certain the process functions correctly.

For efficient operation, the exterior A/C or HP condensing unit must move lots of air quickly and effectively. Dirt, nearby debris and even overgrown bushes can hinder that flow. Failure to accomplish this task efficiency imposes additional ware and tear on the entire heating and cooling system. To ensure efficient operation of exterior Air Conditioning and Heat Pump condensing coils, American cooling and Heating recommends that Arizona homeowners contract for an ACH semi-annual A/C tune-up program, a program that includes cleaning the coils as well as making other major equipment performance adjustments.

If the fan in the A/C condensing unit cannot move sufficient air at a reasonable pace, the cost of home cooling increases, the waste of resources necessary for generating electricity rises, and the life cycle of the outdoor cooling unit decreases. Sometimes the solution lies in proper HVAC equipment maintenance. But sometimes wear-and-tear combines with age to indicate the need for a better solution that includes replacement of the exterior system with a new Trane Heat Pump or Trane Air Conditioning condensing unit.

Now is the time to get best pricing on all ACH installed Tempe AZ and other regional East Valley Trane air conditioning equipment. Throughout 2014 American Cooling and Heating is pricing Trane HVAC sales and installation to jump-start local A/C buying decisions. The deals are already available. There is no need to wait for better pricing. It’s a win-win situation. ACH gets to pay more taxes and that makes the IRS smile. Tempe AZ homeowners save money on the cost of replacing or installing new Trane cooling and heating equipment and that makes the family smile.

Quick Overview of Trane Air Conditioning Condensing Units

On Sale Trane XV Series A/C Condensing Units

*  XV20i Energy Star rated with support for up to 20 SEER, 55 dB sound rating and precision comfort to ½ degree.

*  XV18 Energy Star rated with support for up to 18 SEER at a nominal sound level of 55 dB and with humidity control comfort features.


On Sale Trane XL Series A/C Condensing Units

*  XL20i Energy Star rated supporting up to 20 SEER, 72 dB nominal sound rating and Dual Climatuff® compressors.

*  XL18i with Energy Star ratings at up to 18 SEER. Includes two-stage Climatuff® compressor and Trane’s exclusive Spine Fin™ coil. All with 73 dB nominal sound level.

*  XL16i Energy Star rated, 16.50 SEER efficiency, installed exclusive Spine Fin™ coil technology and the durability of a Climatuff® compressor. Nominal sound level hangs at 73 dB.

*  XL15i with Energy Star ratings, 16.50 SEER, Climatuff® compressor, 73 dB nominal sound level and the exclusive Trane Spine Fin™ coil system.


On Sale Trane XR Series A/C Condensing Units

*  XR17 with up to 18 SEER from an Energy Star rated unit boasting the Trane two-stage Climatuff® compressor and the Trane-exclusive Spine Fin™ coil system. Holds a 74 dB nominal sound level.

*  XR16 Energy Star ratings with up to 17 SEER on a Climatuff® compressor backed by the exclusive Spine Fin™ coil system.

*  XR15 with up to 17 SEER on a Trane Climatuff® compressor backed by the exclusive Spine Fin™ coil. Energy Star rated and with 74 dB nominal sound rating.

*  XR13 Energy Star ratings backed by the Climatuff® compressor with supporting exclusive Spine Fin™ coil system. Up to 14.50 SEER at 75 dB sound ratings.


On Sale Trane XB Series A/C Condensing Units

*  XB16 Supporting up to 16.50 SEER at 79 dB in an Energy Star rated unit backed with the exclusive Trane Spine Fin™ coil efficiency.

*  XB14 Energy Star rated, Climatuff® compressor driven unit sporting up to 16.50 SEER on the exclusive Spine Fin™ coil efficiency system. Nominal sound rating: 78 dB.

*  XB13 Energy Star unit that uses the Climatuff® compressor wrapped in the exclusive Spine Fin™ coil system. Supports up to 14.50 SEER.

*  XB300 Compact unit support up to 13 SEER on the Climatuff® Compressor. Not Energy Star rated but makes great low-cost home system. Nominal sound rating runs 82 dB.

All ACH delivered and installed Trane air conditioning sales packages include:

**  Custom sizing for the right residential fit

**  24/7 support line

**  Quality workmanship

**  Guaranteed installation according to manufacturer specifications and local/national codes

**  ACH lifetime workmanship warranty

**   AND much more.


Sale prices are available on all models of Trane A/C condensing systems, but the ACH Trane sale is not limited to outdoor components. American Cooling and Heating sells and installs complete HVAC solutions as manufactured by nearly every major system provider on the planet, including Amana, Carrier, Goodman, Rheem, Trane and others. Pricing plus service plus warranty is what makes American Cooling and Heating a top-line HVAC dealer.

**    A/C Systems

**    Heat Pumps

**    HP Package Units

**    Split Heat Pump Systems

**    AND More.






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State-Wide Trane Packaged Heat Pump Sales Promotion Focused To Generate Record-Breaking ACH HVAC Installations Throughout 2014

Trane packaged heat pump sale

Arizona-Based American Cooling and Heating Announces Sliced-Pricing 2014 Trane Packaged Heat Pump Sales Program

 “American Cooling and Heating has ripped the overhead out of all ACH installed Trane Packaged Heat Pump sales. We plan to fulfill the HVAC requirements of every resident in every sector of Arizona and more,” ACH Regional sales manager,  Chandler branch.

 Trane packaged HP system are effective, efficient and durable. Going with a packaged system is like picking up on a two-for-one heating and cooling solution even though the requirements for any given season may be limited to one or the other. Packaged Trane HP units merge two energy-efficient HVAC solutions into a single, sleek-and-sturdy air conditioning system.

The on-sell Trane packaged units come in multiple sizes, with multiple efficiency capacities and power systems that include total electric or gas/electric dual-fuel configurations. Also, for the more eco-minded buyer, the Trane EarthWise™ Hybrid puts a new spin on an already great HVAC technology resource. AND no matter the solution, American Cooling and Heating ensures that the final installed Trane packaged heat pump pricing goes gentle on the wallet.


Large Selection, Outstanding Performance and ACH Ensured Best Pricing

An ACH installed Packaged Trane HP system comes in residential performance levels ranging from 13.00 SEER to 16.60 SEER with HSPF ratings starting at 7.70 and powering up on some units to as high as 9.00. Many of the units include the Trane Two-stage Climatuff® compressor system. All systems above the XB13, XR13 and XL13 class series include a variable-speed blower motor.

The ACH Trane packaged heat pump sale includes the following sample models:

The XB13c electric unit designed to match efficiency with a power-loaded airflow system. The unit offers 13.00 SEER with 7.70 HSP efficiency, year-round durability and total home comfort ensured by inclusion of a Trane Spine Fin™ coil unit and a Vortica™ blower motor. Also includes a 10-year Registered Limited Warranty on coil, compressor and functional internal parts *1. Extended warranty resources are also available.

The mid-range XL14c packaged Trane HP delivers energy-efficient high-power heating performance with noise-reduced operation. The XL14c SEER ratings can reach up to 14.15 with an 80% AFUE. The Trane XL14c is als Energy Star qualified. This unit also takes advance of the Trane Spine Fin™ coil system and the Trane Weather Beater™ top. A variable-speed Vortica™ blower motor, complete with Comfort-R™, ensures sustained performance efficiency year after year.

For a power-packed and right-priced packaged gas/electric system, buyers must consider the Trane XL16c – A Chandler ACH Trane HP installation technician will check to ensure that the XL16c is right-match for the given installation environment. The XL16c features a variable-speed gas furnace maximized for personal home comfort from winter to summer and then back again. Maximum XL15c SEER ratings touch 16.60 with an 80% Energy Star qualified AFUE. If’s perfect home comfort using a quiet two-stage Climatuff® compressor and the variable-speed Vortica™ blower motor running Comfort R™ dehumidification assurance. Other features include:

* Stainless steel heat exchangers and burners
* Advanced airflow system
* Functional rounded-corner louvers
* A 20-year Registered Limited Warranty on the heat exchanger
* AND a 10-year Registered Limited Warranty on the compressor, coil and internal functional parts.
And don’t forget the Trane EarthWise™ Hybrid systems available in models: XL14c and XL16c, with both featuring a variable-speed blower motor. The XL14c EarthWise™ Hybrid offers 14.25 SEER using a Trane Climatuff® compressor, whereas the XL16c EarthWise™ Hybrid comes in using a two-stage Climatuff® compressor and putting out up to 16.60 SEER and 80% AFUE.
The full list of model selections included in the ACH Trane Package System Sale  follows:

* 13.00 SEER XB13C AC system
* 13.00 SEER XB13 Heat Pump system
* 13.00 SEER XB13c Packaged Gas/Electric
* 13.00 SEER XL13c AC system
* 14.00 SEER XR13h Over/Under HP
* 13.00 SEER XL13c Heat Pump
* 13.20 SEER XL13c Gas/Electric System
* 14.25 SEER XL14c AC System
* 14.25 SEER XL14c Heat Pump System
* 14.25 SEER XL14c EarthWise™ Hybrid
* 14.25 SEER XL14c Gas/Electric System
* 16.40 SEER XL16c HEat Pump System
* 16.60 SEER XL16c XL14c EarthWise™ Hybrid
* AND the 16.60 SEER, 80% AFUE XL16c Gas/Electric Kit.


American Cooling and Heating 2014 Heat Pump Sale Includes Multiple Makes and Models

ACH provides HVAC equipment replacement and installation services throughout the state of Arizona. Along with factory warranties on all new HVAC equipment American Cooling and Heating sells and installs, the Company’s installation workmanship is warranted for the life of the new unit. ACH Heat Pump Sale products include brand-name units from Amana, Carrier, Goodman, Rheem, and others as well as Trane. American Cooling and Heating service and AC installation is guaranteed reliable, timely and competitively priced..

Schedule a free estimate today. Call American Cooling and Heating Now!



 *1 To receive credit on a Trane Registered Limited Warranty, record the product in the Trane registration database within 60 days of purchase.

 Disclaimer: American Cooling and Heating accepts no responsibility for inaccuracy in product descriptions or any other information that is outside the control of our personal resources

AZ Trane Heat Pump Sales: In Stock, Complete Trane HP Installation Packages

Trane heat pump sales ACHNATE Certified Arizona HVAC Professional, American Cooling and Heating Offers Valley-Wide Blowout Pricing on All Trane Heat Pump Sales and Installation Packages

It’s here: Tax season and perhaps the biggest Trane heat pump sales and installation promotion of 2014. And American Cooling and Heating holds the keys. Jump on board today.

Phoenix AccuWeather predicts regional temperatures rising into the mid-80s by as early as the first of March 2014 (1). Before the end of April, your daily East Valley lifestyle will include 90-degree heat bursts and boiling winds. By the end of May, Arizona temperatures will climb to 100-degrees daytime and 73-degrees nighttime. If your aged and struggling air conditioning or heat pump system endures on, the first of June 2014 will begin battles against 100-plus degree days and 80-plus degree nights. Taking advantage of the American Cooling and Heating blowout sale pricing on Trane Heat Pump sales and installation seems a reasonable early-warning response.

Tax Refunds and Blowout Trane Heat Pump Pricing Promote Comfortable Living

 According to the IRS 2012 End-of-Year filing statistics, the average U.S. tax refund came in at $2,803 per individual filer (2). The average 2012 individual refund for filers using direct deposit topped $2,900. Both figures were slightly down from reports from 2011. But how do Americans use these funds. For the 2013 filing season, better than 54% of the American public expects to receive a tax refund.

But how is it spent and what are the benefits of redirecting tax rebates toward home heating and cooling requirements?

In a paper reporting on how 1.5 million credit-constrained Americans spend tax refunds, Harvard Business School defines day-to-day necessities as the number one point of expenditure (3). For those in serious financial binds, items such as groceries, gasoline and the charges for rapid-refund deposits make short work of hands-on cash. Yet this tax group accounts for only 1.5% of the population. The bulk of Americans spend tax refunds as follows:

  • 7% Splurge on personal comfort
  • 9% Piddle the cash into nothingness
  • 26% Apply to necessities such as food, clothing, gas and home heating and cooling
  • 28% Invest or save
  • 30% Pay down existing debts or reduce the need for acquiring debt.

Investing in a new energy-efficient ACH installed Trane heat pump makes for wise use of tax refunds. Even if you typically splurge your refund on personal comfort, expenditures that promote better home cooling fits into that concept of personal spending interests. But using your tax refund to take advantage of the 2014 American Cooling and Heating valley-wide Arizona blowout pricing on all Trane heat pump sales and installation packages also helps reduce your acquired debt while meeting a long-term home necessity.  Modern Energy Star certified heat pumps reduce your yearly heating and cooling expenses by 9% over standard new models and 20% and more over what may be in your home. Installing a new Trane HP is an investment that can prevent you from:

  • Piddling away useful cash
  • Missing the meat of necessities on aged, inefficient and energy-devouring air conditioning equipment
  • AND dwindling saving due to unexpected future equipment failures.

The ACH 2014 Arizona binge sale on Trane heat pump installation and products packages provides you with competitive pricing, 24/7 air conditioning services, and the best Trane product support in the business. With a tax refund in the wind, and the urge to spend riding the currents, now is the time to schedule your FREE estimate on the cost of installing a new Trane heat pump at your Phoenix home. Financing available, new/old stock inventory, flexible payment plans, long-term product and service warranties.

  • You want honest and reliable HP and AC installation technicians. Call ACH Now!
  • You want professional and timely Trane AC and HP services. Call ACH Now!
  • You want extended warranty protection, emergency support and complete satisfaction: Call ACH Now!

Make your tax refund work for you. For more details on how to save on the cost of Trane heat pump products, click here.





Also servicing, installing and selling all other brands of heating and cooling equipment, including Amana, Goodman, Carrier and Rheem.



Heating With Oil – Carrier Performance™ Series Oil Furnaces

In October of 1990, the cost of residential heating with oil averaged $1.279 per gallon (1). By January of 2014, the price per gallon in oil-heated homes came in at $4.020 per gallon. If you forget to consider inflation and if you ignore the vast improvements in oil-burning technology, the rise in pricing paints an ugly picture. But American’s live in a new world of energy-efficient residential heating technology.

Seniors may remember the comfort of oil heat contaminated by the scent of wasted fuel, but those are days gone by. Modern oil-burning furnaces present a new experience: Exceptional home comfort free of oil-related odors and the extra expense of product waste.

Current heating with oil equipment burns clean, efficient and safe. And oil heat is a cost-effective solution to your winter comfort requirements. Here are some fast facts about residential oil heating technology:

  • As of the past decade, nearly 10 million U.S. homes reap the benefits of residential oil heating.
  • From 2003 to 2013, builders designed and constructed over 350,000 oil-heated homes (2)
  • Current heating with oil equipment exceeds 90% efficiency
  • Due to the effectiveness of Clearburn Science, modern oil heating equipment burns 95% cleaner than 1990 equipment
  • Risks of leakage in an underground oil storage tank is less than 1%
  • Every gallon of that $4.020 fuel produces a whopping 138,000 Btu’s of heating power
  • Modern oil companies are reliable, honest and friendly, receiving ratings of 94% and above for speed and quality of service.


Truth in Pricing – Cost of Heating With Oil

 During the 1970s and 1980s, the annual cost of oil-heated homes reflected the consumption of 1300 gallons per year. Modern systems produce the same comfort level for a mere 800 gallons of fuel oil per year. When adjusted for inflation, the current price of fuel oil heating has dropped by 23%.


Availability – Risks of Heating With Oil

In past years, American experienced several shortages in energy supplies. But perhaps only the seniors actually remember the associated waiting lines. For more than thirty years, the U.S. has remained relatively free of any significant problem with energy supplies. This statement stands in reserve of the natural disasters that have sometimes hinder the flow of energy in almost every form, including electricity and oil-based products. Currently, the U.S. government maintains a Strategic Petroleum Reserve that tops 700 million barrels. This reserves includes two million barrels of heating oil reserve.


Carrier Performance™ Series Oil Furnaces – Heating Gilbert With Carrier Products

Carrier heating and cooling products are not limited to heat pumps and air conditioning systems. The Carrier Performance™ oil furnaces series provide Phoenix heating with oil customers with efficient, flexible, durable and quiet home comfort during the harshest winters imaginable. Many of the products in the Performance™ lineup offer up to 86.6% AFUE. Units with the ENERGY STARÒ ratings provide the smartest heat saving you can get.

Systems include the Oil Furnace OVL, OVM and CVM. All utilize variable speed blowers and Hybrid Heat compatible with Performance EdgeÒ relative humidity or ComfortZoneÔ II thermostats. The choice is simple: Carrier heating with oil provides clean, inexpensive and energy-efficient home comfort at reasonable prices.

For more information on Gilbert AZ  heating with oil, click here.


















Trane Heating Equipment: Trane HVAC Gilbert AZ Heating Solutions

With nightly Gilbert temperatures dipping into the mid-thirties, selecting the right Trane HVAC Gilbert AZ heating solution for your home or business can increase your comfort while also saving on heating expenses. Trane specializes in heat pumps. The company has been around for over 125 years. They build durable and effective HVAC products designed for home, office and industry.

Whether hot or cold, a Trane heat pump provides cost-efficient Gilbert HVAC services. Although the term “Heat Pump” suggests heating only, Trane products deliver cool air in the summer as well as hot air in the winter. During construction, many Gilbert, AZ homeowners may opt to install a furnace for heating and leave off the cooling for later addition in the form of one or more window-unit air conditioners. An installed Gilbert heat pump eliminates the need for excessive and expensive-to-operate window equipment.

Trane HVAC Gilbert HP solutions ship in four energy-efficient classifications:

  • Standard
  • High
  • Super
  • Ultra.

The following close-up from Arizona’s American Cooling and Heating will help you determine which Trane HVAC Gilbert heat pump best fits the heating and cooling requirements of your home.


Standard Efficiency Units: Trane XB13 and Trane XB14

Although listed as standard units, the durable Trane XB13 and XB14 units are crafted to provide efficient and economical heating and cooling services. The optional “CleanEffects” feature incorporates advanced allergy-inducing particle filtration. Although similar in durability and performance, the two units differ in SEER ratings. The XB14 rates a 15.00 SEER rank and exceeds the minimum federal Energy Star requirements. The XB13 SEER rating tops 13.00 but fails to comply with minimum Energy Star regulations.

Otherwise, both units provide:

  • An HSPF up to 8.5
  • Nominal sound ratings of 78
  • A 5-year warranty on coil and functional parts
  • A 10-year warranty on the compressor
  • And options for an extended warranty.

 Either unit is ideal for a small home or small office. Both are Trane-reliable, Trane-durable and provide cost-efficient heating and cooling.


High Efficiency Units: Trane XR13, Trane XR14 and Trane XR15

Shipping out of the crate with a limited registered warranty of ten years for the coil, compressor and functional parts, the Trane high efficiency units provide effective Trane HVAC Gilbert heating and cooling solutions for home and office. An extended warranty is also available for any Trane high efficiency heat pump system.

Base features include:

  • Nominal sound levels from 75 to 76, depending on which unit is selected
  • The XR15 is Energy Star efficient and rates 9.0 HSPF and 16.50 SEER
  • The Trane XR14 pulls 9.0 HSPF and a SEER rating of 15.00
  • The Trane XR13 comes in a little weaker at 8.5 HSPF and 14.00 SEER
  • Neither the 13 nor the 14 rate Energy Star.

Trane high efficiency units work well in small to mid-size homes. They are less expensive than the power units in the Super and the Ultra class, but they are also less efficient. Going this route involves a tradeoff between initial startup costs versus long-term energy savings. But either way you go, Trane HVAC Gilbert heat pump solutions will keep you toasty in the winter and cool during the long Arizona summer.


Super Efficiency Units: Trane XL14i and Trane XL15i

Both models of the Trane Super Efficiency heat pump units meet and exceed the federal Energy Star requirements. SEER rating marks the only distinction between the two units: The Trane XL14i comes in at 15.25 or less and the Trane XL15i comes in at 16.0 or less. Other specs match and include:

  • A 74 on the noise measurement scale
  • A 9.0 HSPF
  • An out-of-the-crate 12-year warrant on coil, compressor and parts.
  • An optional extended warranty is also available.

These units are designed for Trane HVAC Gilbert install in mid-size to large homes or offices. They also work well under certain commercial requirements.


Ultra Efficiency Units: Trane XL16i and Trane XL20i

You may, by now, have noticed that each increase in efficiency and performance also includes an increase in the model numbering system. Trane Energy Star rated Ultra efficiency systems provide top HSPF ranging from 9.0 to 9.2. The cooling range for the Trane XL16i is 17.00 SEER. The Trane XL20i puts out a 19.00 SEER rating. The XL20i also includes dual compressors for two-stage operation.

Both units provide:

  • Nominal sound reading as low as 74
  • A limited 12-year warranty on the compressor
  • A 10-year warranty on the coil and functional parts
  • Durable construction
  • Top-line energy efficiency.


Install a Trane HVAC Gilbert Heat Pump Solution Today

Trane heat pumps provide long-term savings on home and office heating and cooling expenses. The company is well known, reliable and proven. To take a longer look at Trane Heat Pump Installation, click here.




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